About Us

Namaste, from our family to yours! We are a small family farm located in a tribal village called Kavitha, in the state of Gujarat, India. My father works very hard to provide fresh, high quality, organically grown produce for our family and for your family as well.

Vedic Farming
Since a young age my father began learning and practicing Vedic farming with the help of his grandfather and father. Now we are a proud fourth generation of farmers who are practicing Vedic farming and growing crops without spraying any kind of chemical pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, or synthetic fertilizers.

Selection of Seeds
We only use heirloom Desi seeds for farming which are passed on through generations by the local tribal community. Heirloom seeds retain their purity over time, unlike hybrid or GMO seeds, heirloom seeds are not modified in any way. They are generally known to produce more nutritious and better tasting produce than GMO seeds.

Farmer's Daughter Organics